Welcome To my Blog!

This blog will be dedicated to style and design of all kinds! I believe that everyone's own style is personal and unique and should be expressed. This blog will give you tips, ideas, and info on how to do just that through interior design, fashion, and more! Live life your style!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Address Yourself

Does anyone else continually get address labels in the mail? You know the one's from various charities etc. With the concept of "snail mail" dwindling these days what's a girl to do with all these extra labels? Why not have a "label swap"?

I came up with this idea yesterday when I was addressing something to to my mom. I'm sure you all have a handful of people you regularly mail stuff to (for me, it's my sister, parents, and friends which are all across the country), so why not make it just a little more efficient to communicate. Next time you send out a thank you card, party invitation, birthday card, etc simply include a sheet of your labels so they can use them to send mail back to you! Invite all your friends and family to do the same and then next time you have to mail something out, it'll be that much easier. And with, dare I say it, Christmas right around the corner, imagine all the time you'll save!

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